2014-2021 ongoing (click here to see the different Tentacles Installations or browse through the navigation on the left hand side)
The Tentacles project is an ongoing project that is based on three different levels:
1. The performative research
The artist group Augenstern (Christiane Prehn and Wolfgang Meyer) have lived and worked on the ship Anuschka for many years.
Since 2014 the MS Anuschka is traveling on European waterways from Berlin to the south of France and north to the Baltic Sea, so far in France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany.
On the way, the crew examines numerous bridges, spanning rivers and canals.
Using tentacles installed on board to scratch the bridges, the ship turns into a sensitive, perceiving and sounding laboratory interacting with the territory.
Each of the bridges passed has its own personal profile, created by its shape, its practical use and its way of construction.
The sound of each bridge is recorded and archived.
The research action can be observed from the banks and is, under some circumstances, announced as a live performance.
2. The digital ongoing web-publication
During the journey, the sound and a picture of each examined bridge is permanently published in the mobile web-application "SoundWays".
SoundWays is an audio platform dedicated to the creating, editing and sharing of geolocalized sound walks.
Tentacles has its proper channel in SoundWays.
3. Exhibitions, installations and presentations
Along the journey, the various aspects of theTentacles concept are constantly transformed and shown in galleries and contemporary art spaces as audiokinetic installations, live streams from the ship, radio broadcasts, project presentations or multichannel sound installations.
Such took place so far for example in Paris, Berlin, Arles, Valence, Hamburg, Udine/Italy, Mineapolis/USA, Glasgow/Scotland or Sankt Petersburg/Russia.